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Hello Everyone, Nuestro post de Hoy es para
apoyar una Buena causa y un tema Super Interesante, la Inclusion… porque en
DEUX sabemos que no todo es moda, ademas creemos que todos somos iguales y
tenemos los mismo derechos y las mismas oportunidades. / Hello Everyone, Our Today's post is to support a good cause and a theme Super Interestingly, Inclusion ... because we know that not everything in life is fashion, also believe that everyone are equal and have the same rights and the same opportunities.
Todos podemos Solidarizarnos con la causa y
hacer que todas las personas se sientan iguales sin importar la discapacidad o
lo diferente que sean./ We can all stand in solidarity with the cause and make everyone feel equal regardless of disability or how different they are.
Hablando de este Tema queremos compartir
con ustedes un Maravilloso Corto llamado "A WORLD OF INCLUSION" que esta participando en el Concurso “Solidarity
Shorts” International Film Contest y que estoy segura
les sacara un sonrisa a todos/ Speaking of this topic we want to share with you a Wonderful Short film called "A WORLD OF INCLUSION" that is participating in the Contest: "Solidarity Shorts" International Film Contest and I'm sure they pulled out a smile to all
Apoyemos al Talento joven que trabaja por
hacer la diferencia en el mundo, Votemos y Comentemos, recordemos que ser
solidario no quita lo valiente y ser intellectual y luchar por una causa es
super sexy jajajaja./ Let's support the young talent that work to make a difference in the world, Let's vote and comment, remember that being supportive doesn't mean that you're weak and be intellectual and fight for a cause is super sexy.
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